Welcome to Club Yunus

A nostalgic journey into my first ever website!

About Club Yunus

ClubYunus.com holds a special place in my heart—it was my very first website (aside from Blogspots). After many years, I’ve reclaimed this domain to breathe new life into its legacy!
It’s amusing to think that I was just 11 years old when I convinced my father to help me create ClubYunus.com. Back then, I had no idea how the web worked. Today, as a software developer, I look back fondly on this nostalgic chapter of my journey.

This site was first seen by a web crawler 13 years, 10 months, 19 days, 2 hours, and 12 minutes ago on Sun, 10 Apr 2011 06:41:04 UTC

Check out my current website: yunusemrevurgun.com

Childhood Memories

Here's a nostalgic childhood photo of me:

Childhood photo of Yunus

Original Club Yunus

Here are some original screenshots and data from the old website:

Original Club Yunus site data 1 Original Club Yunus site data 2

this is a meme

Internet meme